We're Moving

To a new and more comprehensive site

As a regular visitor, you will appreciate that we have always done our best to help followers of Jesus to see the relevance of their faith to life today.  This whole site has now been incorporated into “In Search of Wisdom”, along with a  great deal of additional material about life today, as well as my published articles and papers from the world of project management.  Please visit the new site, and enjoy what it has to offer.

Terry Cooke-Davies

November 2020

Click Here to visit "In Search of Wisdom"

Thank you for visiting ‘Thinking About Faith’ – a web site containing resources to help people with some kind of Christian background who are currently struggling with their faith, or finding their relations with their church unsatisfying in some way.  On this site you will find articles concerned with current issues facing people who want to understand the relevance of Jesus and the Bible for life in the twenty-first century.  The articles are intended for either private study or small group discussion.  There are also articles on the book of Genesis and the Psalms.     Enjoy!!

Current Issues

11 thoughtful discussion papers about controversial issues concerning the church, faith and scripture that can create challenges for Christians today.  Faith and Science, Ethics and Morality, Conflict and Violence, Evil and Disaster are all topics that are considered thoughtfully in the light of both up-to-date scientific knowledge and spiritual wisdom contained in the Bible.

The Book of Genesis

The Biblical accounts of creation in the book of Genesis have been the focus of much apparent conflict between Christians and Scientists.  This series of 11 studies takes a thoughtful look into the text, and identifies how people who accept the scientific accounts of creation can still find deep spiritual wisdom in the Bible’s opening book.

The Book of Psalms

Traditionally, Psalms have been used extensively in both public and private worship, but in the twenty-first century their relevance is not always apparent.  This course of six studies, drawing heavily on the work of Walter Brueggemann seeks to bring them to life in ways that resonate with life today for the thinking Christian.

The Book of Revelation

Jesus lived and died ata critical period in the development of the Roman Empire.  He spoke from the point of view of those who lost out under empire, exposing the underlying institutional violence that was held in check by the ‘scapegoating’ mechanism.  And it was the Roman Empire that executed him, recognizing the danger of his subversive message.

We still live in an age of empire, so Jesus’ message remains counter-cultural in today’s world.  That is why the Book of Revelation, written to urge the early Christian communities in the Roman province of Asia (modern Turkey) not to succumb either to the fear of reprisals or the seductive charm of commerce, has great relevance to all followers of Jesus today.

This eight-part course will explore different aspects of this most challenging of all the books of the New Testament in terms that are relevant to life in the early twenty first century.  Each course will be posted as it is completed.  Enjoy.